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Thought Leaders Series: Evolution of equipment platforms to prefab design

The Evolution Of Equipment Platforms To Prefab Design was the theme for our Thought Leader Series presentation to members of Engineers Australia in Sydney. Nigel Cro (Managing Director) and Royce Tosen (Principal - Innovation and Technology) combined to present an overview of the history of roof mounted platforms from the original structural steel versions of the past 50 years

Creativity Does Not Have To Stop At The Roof!

Would you like your next building to stand out even more when you gaze upon the city skyline? Your rooftop space can be part of your 'canvas' when you collaborate with Con-form Group, the market leader in platform-screen-access systems for HVAC&R equipment for over 20 years. Whether you would like flowing curves, unusual angles, cut-outs, diagonals, height variations, contemporary

Overcoming Acoustic Challenges In A Heating World

Missed our Chat with Engineers Australia? No problem! You can catch up here! Our world is heating up. Climate change has led to a worsening challenge for engineers who are involved in construction projects. The hotter it becomes the greater the need for air conditioners to cool down building interiors. As AC systems on

Con-form Group is proud to have contributed to the Perth skyline!

  The architect called for a curved screen on the seventh floor….which is how the Ruah Centre in Perth provided us with another opportunity to express our creativity. The curved screen had three purposes: to obscure the HVAC&R plant machinery from view, reduce outbound noise generated by the HVAC&R equipment and aesthetically complement the overall creative theme of the

The Aussie innovation turning heads abroad.

Con-form Group's Managing Director Nigel Cro was featured on a Thought Leaders Webinar with Engineers Australia to discuss findings from the AHR Expo in the US, and how Australia is ahead of the curve when it comes to HVACR Mounting Technologies. The AHR Expo was held in Atlanta, USA in February 2023 and is considered the world's largest HVACR

April 21st, 2023|Tags: , |

Spilling Secrets – The secrets of Span+

We’ve never shied away from saying ‘we challenge the status-quo' – it's in the DNA of our company. ‘Just because it’s the way things have always been done’, is not a good reason to cling to tradition. As philosopher J. Krishnamurti succinctly and eloquently says, “Tradition becomes our security, and when the mind is secure it is in decay.” And

March 21st, 2023|
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