Blogs & News2024-02-27T09:02:00+11:00

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Weeks To Install A HVACR Platform (Not Months)

"Your boys smashed it out, it was unbelievable!" This is the reaction we received from our customer after designing, manufacturing and installing this unique plant room platform in just two weeks. When others had said it would take four and a half months - plus a much higher price tag - to get it done. The elevated (one metre off

September 13th, 2024|

20-Degree Roof Pitch. No Problem.

Most platforms that we install are on roofs with a pitch of between 1–5 degrees. This building in Victoria was steeply raked at 20 degrees and the project called for a 8400 x 3600mm HVACR steel platform to be erected with a visual barrier around it. The platform had to be surface mounted (penetration-free) and therefore anchored in place without

September 2nd, 2024|


The specifications for this project were extensive: 34 light gauge steel platforms with 19 different configurations plus louvre screens required at six different heights on some of the platforms. On a roof nearly the size of four football fields! It definitely qualified as one of our largest projects to date. The massive high bay warehouse in Western Sydney required

August 23rd, 2024|

Would You Like Walkways With That?

There are more than 2400 fast food outlets in Australia owned by the big name franchises…the ones that have been around for decades. Not counting the newer arrivals such as Guzman Y Gomez which is expanding aggressively. Every one of them requires an HVACR system and that is why most weeks of the year Con-form Group is designing, making and

August 21st, 2024|

Culture is Everything at Con-form Group

This is a photo of part of the wall mural that greets our team and visitors as they enter our HQ in Bathurst. It reinforces the absolute value we place upon having a positive and caring culture at Con-form Group. We believe culture drives long-term success and, after working our way into a market leadership position over the past two

August 12th, 2024|
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