Aerial view of Warriewood Square project
Project name

Span+ (rafter-mounted platform)  Shopping Centre,  NSW

“It was painful to see large heavy structural steel getting craned onto roofs, taking long time to finish just one platform laboriously. We invented the lightweight platform in about 2014, and it changed the market. Months became days. Cutting and welding were replaced by simple nuts and bolts.” 

Nigel Cro, Managing Director of Con-form Group.

Check out SPAN+ Rafter Mounted HVAC Platforms

Project details

The Research and Development Team at Con-form Group had their work cut out for them when they were tasked with engineering a solution to Australia’s antiquated structural steel HVAC&R platform problem. Years of research, labour and testing later – Span+ was born.  

Span+ (a rafter-mounted) HVAC platform is lightweight, strong, can span over 10.5m between rafters and can be installed 5 times faster than traditional mechanical plant platforms – with zero hot works required. 

While great for new builds, Span+ is ideal for retrofits where surface mounted platforms aren’t an option. Take this shopping centre located on the North Coast of Sydney, NSW – where the building required two new plant decks to house machinery weighing between 3-5 tonne.   

Being a relatively old shopping centre (40 years), the roof wasn’t suited to host a purlin-mounted/surface-mounted platforms, so the team at Con-form Group worked closely with the building company in charge of the refurb to determine that two Span+ platforms would be the optimal solution.  

These Span+ platforms were fitted to rafters distanced 8m apart using our proprietary stub columns (with no hotworks required), and varied from 28m2 to 35m2 in size. With no hotworks required, this eliminated downtime and the installation was completed within three days.  

Our team oversaw the design, engineering, manufacturing, and installation of these two large plant decks! Completed with guardrails on all sides and access ladder to platforms, we’re happy to say we offer this end-to-end service Australia-wide.  

To learn more about our Span+, please contact us 

You can also send us your plan by emailing us 

Watch the installation here.