The specifications for this project were extensive: 34 light gauge steel platforms with 19 different configurations plus louvre screens required at six different heights on some of the platforms. On a roof nearly the size of four football fields! It definitely qualified as one of our largest projects to date.

The massive high bay warehouse in Western Sydney required an integrated rooftop solution for its HVACR mechanical units, large fans and thermal oil tanks. Despite the enormity of this project we were able to simplify the whole process because the platforms were custom designed by our in-house Digital Design Centre and Engineering Department as modular sections, then prefabricated in our Manufacturing Centre of Excellence.

Each set of components – such as trusses and screen frames – was partially assembled and included pre-drilled holes… a giant Meccano set.

The EasyMech MR platforms ranged in size from 13.2 x 11.4 metres down to 2.4 x 2.4 metres. They had to support a variety of loads. The Louvre Wall screens measured 1100mm high up to 3000mm high. Each platform-screen combination was unique in that the screens had to cover either one, two, three or all four sides – the latter having one or two doors fitted into them. The reason for this was because of the varying sizes of the rooftop equipment.

Individual flat packs were delivered to the site and, equipped with simple tools such as spanners and battery powered drills, our installers rapidly assembled each deck.

A second benefit to our installers, who had to walk a lot of metres across the enormous roof, was the extremely light weight of the components. It only took two people to hand carry the trusses into place.

This ultra-lightweight design is a hallmark of Con-form Group light gauge steel platforms. Our innovative structures are just 16kg per square metre and yet they are engineered to support live loadings of 5.0kPa and more. They do this by evenly distributing the load weight across the whole platform.

A third benefit was the fact that EasyMech MR platforms are surface-mounted. There was no need for penetration through the roof to attach them. This sped up the installation even more. Whilst the pitch of this roof was a typical 3 degrees, we have installed surface-mounted platforms on as much as 20-degree pitch.

The builder chose our LouvreWall Airflow screen for two reasons. It is an aesthetically appealing visual barrier and it allows air to ventilate the mechanical equipment. In this scenario, the gaps between the louvres provided 50% air flow.

This was another example of why Con-form Group is preferred for the biggest building projects in Australia.